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Of all achievements of ancient Greece, the Mediterranean diet is among the most widely admired today. Three of its pillars, ancient and modern, are olives, wine and honey. Today, as was thousands of years ago, Greece is a landscape of olive groves and vineyards.

In Greek mythology it is Dionysos who is the god of all the fluid forces of nature and so the god of grape and wine. Dionysos is frequently depicted on pots and drinking cups. Winemaking is as old as the vine in Greece. In ancient times, wine was always mixed with water. Grapes, both white and red, were dried for raisins and pressed for wine either by foot or using a press.

In Crete, wine-producing areas are in the northern part of the island and grapevines grow next to olive groves, protected from the warm winds of the Libyan Sea in the south. Grapevines have
been growing here for centuries and along with the wine-making process they are integrated in tradition and local customs present in everyday life, gastronomy and local hospitality.

Visitors can enjoy tours at the cellar, the production area and the estate. Get acquainted with Crete’s most iconic varieties, Plyto, Dafni, Vilana, Mandilari and Kotsifali. Savour them with delicious local cheeses, including Tirozouli, Anthotiros, Xynomizithra, Mizithra, and Gruyere – a gourmet immersion into the flavours and aromas of Crete.

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